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Basic Meat and Bone Broth
by Sandy
serves: 6
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  Adapted from the recipe Basic Meat and Bone Broth

Course: GAPS-Intro Diet

Tags Basic, GAPS

This is an essential GAPS recipe--the foundation for nearly all of your GAPS meals. There are literally thousands of variations on this recipe, but this is how I make it.
Use the best quality bones and meats that you can possibly afford. I've written this recipe for chicken, but you an also use beef, lamb, turkey or any other meat that you have access to.
Use your broth to make soups, stews, and casseroles--adding meat and a ton of veggies.


1 whole chicken preferably organic, free-range with as many parts as possible including giblets, feet, and/or beak
filtered water
2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
various organic veggies and herbs such as onions, carrots, celery, parsley, bay leaves, etc.
sea salt to taste

Directions | Numbered...

Place the chicken and chicken parts in a large crock pot (or stockpot). Add enough filtered water to cover the chicken and bring to a boil. Remove any "scum" that is on the surface (these are impurities and should not be eaten)

Remove the chicken, leaving the stock in the pot. Let cool and take the meat off of the bones. Place your meat (including the skin and soft tissues) into a storage container in the fridge and return everything else (bones and all other parts) to the crock pot.

Add more filtered water to the pot along with the vinegar (vinegar helps draw out the minerals from the bones), veggies, herbs and salt. Bring this to a boil, lower heat and simmer for as long as possible, at least 6 hours, but 36-72 hours is optimal. The longer you simmer, the more medicinal your broth will be.

Strain all the solids from the broth, pour into jars, and store in the fridge. Use within 5 days. If you want it to keep longer, place it in the freezer.
  • Dairy Free
  • Poultry
  • Vegetarian/Vegan
  • Wheat Gluten Free

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