
Oven Roasted Squash
by Jes Mostek
serves: 8
  Standard Recipe for any winter (hard-shelled) squash. This recipe works well for baking pumpkins, butternut squash, acorn squash, hubbard squash, etc.
  1   squash.
  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Rinse and wipe any dirt from the outside of the squash, then cut it in half and remove the seeds. Fill a 9 x 13 inch pan or similarly-sized casserole dish with an inch or two of water. Place squash halves, cut-side-up in the baking dish. Bake in a 350 degree oven for an hour or so, until flesh is pierced easily with a fork.

Serve with butter and brown sugar and honey and a shake of cinnamon or your favorite spices, or puree (as directed below) for use in a pie, soup, or other recipes.

To puree: after roasting squash, allow to cool until it is comfortable to handle. Using a regualar table spoon, scrape the flesh from the inside of the skin. Discard the tough outer skin, and place the fruit, a cup or two at a time (depending on the size of your machine) in a food processor (if you don't have a food processor, a blender will work as well, but it'll mean more stopping and stirring for you). Process until smooth. Store in tightly sealed containers in the fridge or freezer. I find it helpful to measure one or two-cup increments so I know how much I have later.