
Carmelized Nuts
by Jes Mostek
serves: 8
  Carmelized nuts are incredibly easy to make and add a fantastic flavor to salads and desserts.

You can add cinnamon or other spice at the end of the carmelizing process for additional depth of flavor.
  1 16 oz.   bag chopped nuts
  1 c.   sugar
  1 tsp.   cinnamon or other spice, optional
  Using a large, heavy-bottomed, dry (no oil) skillet, pour entire contents of bag of nuts and the sugar. Do not add the spice at this time.

Using medium to high heat, stir the nuts and sugar constantly. The sugar will melt and look almost like water in the pan with the nuts. If the pan starts to smoke, reduce the heat immediately (you may want to remove the pan from the heat completely for a moment, until the smoke subsides). It is normal for the liquid sugar to turn a golden-brown; this is the carmelizing process. Continue stirring over heat until all of the sugar crystals are melted and the nuts seem to be evenly coated.

If the sugar turns a dark brown, do not dismay- wait until the nuts have cooled a bit and you can taste them before making your decision; they're probably still fine.

When the carmelizing process is complete, remove the pan from the heat and mix in the spice(s). Transfer the nuts to a plate to cool and soak your pan immediately.